Discover Your Inner Champion!

John’s dream over 35 years has taken some significant and indeed challenging twists and turns.

After taking up the game at the age of 18, John was mesmerised by watching Australia’s own Eddie Charlton win the TV series Pot Black and a dream was sparked inside him to maybe one day be good enough to become a professional snooker player himself, and to play on the prestigious snooker circuit full time in England.

From playing in every smoky billiard room throughout Sydney, to City Tattersall’s Club, to being backstage at the Crucible – the home of the World Professional Snooker Championships – to playing the great players like Eddie Charlton, Steve Davis, Alex Higgins, Cliff Thorburn, and Dennis Taylor, John never ever lost sight of his dream.

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Cocktail party

It however turned out to be just a dream, as he found out very quickly over two seasons that he just did not have the skills to match the best players and turn professional.

Back in Australia, he forged a very successful career as a partner in a major brand Real Estate franchise, and still continued to play the game he loved so much.

In the 1990s John gave up snooker completely for two years. He made massive technique changes only to plumb new depths of despair and heartache before finally enjoying success again after intensive hours of solo practice.

To have 35 years of pure hard work all come to the fore in a magical 16 months spell by firstly winning the Queensland State Snooker Championship 2004 – then being chosen as Australia’s No. 1 representative to the World Masters Snooker Championship 2005 in Bahrain and capping off by winning the Australian Masters Games Snooker Gold Medal Championship in October 2005, was something very special indeed.

Representing Australia in the World Masters Championships in 2005 was an unforgettable experience for John. However, to now be selected as the Australian Captain of the Team to the IBSF World Team Cup in the USA in August 2006 is an incredible honour and one of his proudest moments in the sport to which he has devoted virtually his entire life.

Today, John continues to challenge and defy his Parkinson's tremor/shake head on by winning two Open Snooker Tournaments in 7 days.

He won the NSW Macksville Classic and the Coffs Harbour Open titles – beating the two defending Champions in the final whilst playing both LEFT and RIGHT handed.

John’s speech titled “Discover your Inner Champion”, or “Overcoming Life’s Challenges” is packed with real life examples of how a very modestly gifted person can achieve significant results with a relentless work ethic and a big dream.

For any one of us who have ever held onto a dream, John's speech truly is a very powerful heart warming story of NEVER EVER EVER giving up on Your dream!


Time permitting John will be delighted to conduct a Question & Answer session after the “power talk” during which he can share many “inside secrets” about the great players in the snooker world like Eddie Charlton, Pot Black and the World Championships.

Your people will discover just how demanding and competitive world class snooker is and how this information will positively influence and lift their own personal performance.